Thursday, July 18, 2013

“It is time for new hands to lift the burdens. It is in your hands now.” Nelson Mandela

A little over two years ago, while traveling through Kruger National Park in South Africa, I bought a copper bangle bracelet in a touristy gift shop with the number “46664” on it. This was the prison number given to Nelson Mandela when he was imprisoned on Roben Island in 1964 for his leadership in the fight against the apartheid system. I later found out that a portion of my R20 went to this awesome organization: Since then, I have worn that bracelet every single day. Yes, sometimes it turns my arm green, but it’s a constant reminder of my experiences living, learning, and serving in South Africa. More importantly, it is a reminder of the sacrifices Mandela made in the name of social justice and equality. 

During my VISTA year, I have struggled to work behind the scenes. My position turned into an unexpected lesson in stepping back, in “building capacity” without being directly involved in a hands-on way.  The past five years have taught me that there are all kinds of service, and they are all important. Sometimes you get to work with people face to face, meeting needs and getting your hands dirty – and sometimes you sit in front of a computer and fill out paperwork. Social change takes time, patience, and work that isn’t always fun. 

Since my time in South Africa, my study of Ubuntu has turned almost completely inward - getting through the final stretch of college, writing my thesis, planning my next steps post-graduation. I’ve been working on loving myself and establishing better, healthier habits so it’s that much easier to love others. Honestly, though, I’ve been kind of lazy this past year. I watch a lot of HBO shows. I’m apathetic at work. I haven’t read very many books. It’s time for a change.

One month from now, I will become a full-time case manager at AHOPE Day Center, taking my first professional steps toward becoming a social worker. My plan is to revive this blog as a part of my self-care plan, so I have a place to process my experiences through the lens of Ubuntu. It’s time to put myself back on the social change radar, back to getting my hands dirty and really working toward a cause I believe in. 

So, on this celebration of his 95th birthday, here's to Madiba and new hands lifting the burden.

“Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.” –Nelson Mandela

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