Friday, January 6, 2012

Life Lately (Orignally written 5/25/11)

Some days, I catch myself walking through the daily routine here in the Kimberley House–running errands, making food, going to class and service, working on assignments, watching movies, going shopping–and I realize how normal my life feels here. And then I remember...none of this is normal.  Late last night, I sat in our living room with two South African friends discussing Xhosa male circumcision and rights of passage, high school prom, and cheerleading. I wrote an exam for my Human Rights class the other day, sitting in a giant lecture hall, surrounded by many students who speak English as a second (or third, or fourth...) language. When I go downtown, I hop in a kombi taxi for less than a dollar. I'm in South Africa, living a part of my life that is thoroughly extraordinary, and far from normal.

With four short weeks left here in Cape Town, I have to constantly remind myself to embrace the extraordinary, transient nature of this experience.

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