Thursday, March 31, 2011

5 little things I will no longer take for granted when I return to the US:

1. Coffee made in an actual coffee-maker. They call it "filter coffee" here, as opposed to the instant coffee that's much more affordable. Instant coffee does the job, but it's just not the same.

2. Contra Dancing. I've always enjoyed it, but I plan to go at least once every week (probably twice if I can help it) when I get back to Asheville. I miss it.

3. Singing really loudly while driving my car, preferably with the windows down.

4. Music. I now own a guitar, a banjo, and a djembe. I only sort of know how to play them. It's time to buckle down, put the time in, and actually learn how to pick when I get back.

5. Warren Wilson College. I never realized just how much I love that place until I got to South Africa and started telling other people about it. It makes me crazy a lot of the time, but it's truly a unique and beautiful little community, and I'll be glad to go back.

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